Have you hear about the new reality TV show concept based on the healthcare reform initiatives?
It’s a very interesting concept. If you haven’t hear about it, let me share some details.
Two powerhouse cable network operators (CNN and ESPN) have joined forces in a new start-up venture. Technically it’s not a true start-up because they are not starting from scratch.
The strategy is to utilize the tools and resources of both networks along with a significant amount of venture capital dollars to aggressively recruit the best minds in the Industry. In addition, this collaboration has generated such a positive buzz in the marketplace; a major client has jumped on board as a result. And there are other clients waiting in the wings.
This first client is another major network operator (PBS). Their objective is to do a complete makeover to the PBS network; taking it from a not-for-profit to strong money-maker in the Industry.
To accomplish this, they will have to revamp the entire network programming to make PBS attractive to a wider audience. A new format, and a variety of programming centered on the evolution of the new healthcare Industry, they believe will become a rating magnet. Higher rated shows will attract some of the major advertising brands; and that as a result will increase profit to all organizations involved.
In addition, they have assembled a new management team that is on the ground and gaining momentum. This management team consists of all “A” players that were recruited away from the National and other major cable networks. The objective of the management team is to build the infrastructure, hire top healthcare Industry talent and demonstrate creative ingenuity in cable programming.
Now that I have your attention, I need to let you in on something. I’m pulling your leg. This is not a reality TV show. It’s a real story involving real people in the real world, solving real problems.
The true story remains the same; only the players, objective and Industry has changed.
The two powerhouse players and the clients are major health system providers. The objective is to use the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) model to bend the healthcare cost curve. And the Industry is none other than yours.
So, why use a phony TV reality show to bring attention to a real story?
The reality is that the only people who read job descriptions, are active job seekers. So creativity is the key in getting those that are not actively job searching to learn about career opportunities! And, why should one miss out on a golden opportunity simply because he/she was not actively searching for a new job?
That said, we are aggressively seeking innovative talented Industry professionals like you to play a role in blazing the trail in pursuit of a new direction in healthcare.
Many will heed the call but few will be chosen, so make a difference with your career. If selected; you will be challenged to exceed your own expectations and will be financially rewarded for your contribution.
There are a variety of roles from various health related backgrounds at all levels. These are ground-floor opportunities and you can play an active role in your real life.
What if?
What if an executive healthcare oriented reality show really existed? Would it be interesting enough to gain traction on television?
If you have the talent, why not join our talent community and dazzle them with your creativity.