Find Candidates in Their Social Networks. Download the White Paper Today!
As job candidates continue to change their behavior and move increasingly to social media and search engines to find postings, it is incumbent upon recruiting firms to understand and employ Best Practices to remain competitive in finding and landing the best candidates for the right jobs. Consider:
•Google alone gets over 300 million searches for jobs, careers and employment each month, according to ere.net, the recruitment knowledge Website.
•In 2008, the use of the job search category was the fastest growing content site category on the Internet, according to comScore, a research firm that measures Internet use. The job search category grew 51% on average from 2007 to 2008, compared with a 4% increase in total Internet use.
•More than 53% of people between 25 and 34 years old in the U.S. are classified as “joiners” on social networks, such as Facebook and Linkedin (a joiner by definition maintains a profile on social networks and visits the sites at least once a month), according to the 2008 social technographics profile developed by Forrester Research.