How to Generate Revenue from LinkedIn
The secret to generating revenue using the LinkedIn platform is to:
- Have a strategic plan for developing relationships online and converting those relationships off-line
- Execute all the required tactics on a daily basis
- Don’t go it alone – Use LinkedIn experts
Get professionals in your network to know you; like you and trust you, by:
- Keeping in touch with them on a daily basis through auto response sequence messaging
- Wishing them happy birthday- on their birthday
- Congratulating them on career moves and job anniversary dates
- Get them to view you as an expert who can help them
- Post daily helpful informative articles of interest in their newsfeed
- Promote their visibility on the network by endorsing their skills
- Send weekly promotional value propositions to their newsfeed
Use your LinkedIn profile as a tool for generating new leads and nurturing them into qualified leads
- Identify individuals you’d like to do business with, by zip codes, title, Industry, company size
- Reach out to new leads by physically viewing their profiles on a daily basis
- Generate visibility by viewing the profiles of influencers and thought leaders in LinkedIn groups
- Send out connection request to open networkers to generate a higher visibility
- Send out connection request to individuals who viewed your profile
- Send connection request to people you would like to do business with
- Accept connection requests from individuals who has invited you to join their network
- Send out a welcome message to all new connections and introduce your services.
- Obtain contact details from each new connection and add them to your database
- Add new connection contact details to your auto responder
- Invite targeted connections whom you have communicated with to webinars, meetings, cocktails or coffee
- Send out scheduled follow -up messaging to targeted connections
If you can execute these tactics on a consistent basis, you will have a consistent stream of qualified leads to offer your products or services.
Ask me how to turn your professional network into qualified leads without spending hours on LinkedIn.